


本公司的政策為確保個人資料的保安及會因應資料的敏感程度及因擅自查閱所造成的損害程度提供適度的保障,以防止資料被擅自或意外地查閱、處理、刪除或作其他用途。 為達到適當程度的保安,本公司的一貫做法為透過提供安全的儲存設施,以及在資料存置設備實施保安措施,來嚴格限制資料被查閱。 本公司亦會採取措施以確保處理該等資料的人士具備良好操守、審慎態度及辦事能力。資料只會以妥善保安的方式傳送,從而防止資料被擅自或意外地查閱。


Privacy Statement

It is the policy of our company to ensure an appropriate level of protection for personal data in order to prevent unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use of that data, commensurate with the sensitivity of the data and the harm that would be caused by occurrence of any of the aforesaid events. It is the practice of us to achieve appropriate levels of security protection by restricting physical access to data by providing secure storage facilities, and incorporating security measures into equipment in which data is held. Measures are taken to ensure the integrity, prudence, and competence of persons having access to personal data. Data is only transmitted by secure means to prevent unauthorized or accidental access.

In the course of collecting personal data, we will inform them of the purpose of collection, classes of persons to whom the data may be transferred, their rights to access and correct the data, and other relevant information.